Live YouTube Untuk Pengembangan Kemampuan Virtual Public Speaking Mahasiswa
The World Economic Forum (WEF) developed the 21st Century Skills Framework in 2008, which explained that skills needed by younger generation is to adapt in the ever-changing and evolving 21st century. Communication skills including public speaking is an important soft skills to have. Students need to improve their public speaking skill for discussing in class, presenting their assignments, communicating with lecturers, organizing, and various other academic activities. The purpose of the article is to describe the use of YouTube in the Educational Communication subject to develop students' public speaking skills. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative research. The data collected through observation and interviews. Researchers interviewed lecturers, teaching assistants, and students. The results show that live on YouTube makes students try to explore their public speaking as well as possible, not only the ability to speak, but also to choose words and sentences, to adjust intonation, gestures, and facial expressions, also confidence, analytic, critical thinking skills, the ability to adjust in virtual space, such as the use of backgrounds, body positions when on the screen, and other virtual public speaking components. Great body composition is presented by wearing neat clothes. In carrying the materials, students are great in emphasizing words or intonation as well as pronunciation or articulation of each word. For the space composition, they appear in a good position in front of the camera. In conclusion, because they have to appear live on YouTube, students can build confidence as well as their virtual public speaking skills.
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