Optimalisasi Three Point of Lighting pada Program Feature Warisan Budaya “Tari Topeng Panca Wanda Penuh Makna”
Lighting is one of the important elements in a video production. However, lighting elements are often constrained by the limited number of tools, electricity sourcesavailability, conditions at the production location, as well as the production crew. These limitations become a challenge in the production of feature “Warisan Budaya” Episode of “Tari Topeng Panca Wanda Penuh Makna”.The optimization of three points of lighting became the main idea in the lighting arrangement of this feature production. The production equipped the lighting with lamp type YONGNUO YN-600 LED, and applied the concept of Three Points of Lighting. The selection of lamps and the lighting concept aims to create appropriate lighting, so as to create a spatial dimension. The results of the optimization of Three Points of Lighting and the use of the right equipments create dimensions of space in each scene of the work.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56873/jimk.v7i2.195
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